AdventureWIthCare Stewardship

​​​​​With the guidance and support of several agencies and organizations, #AdventureWIthCare was developed to educate new and existing outdoor users about the responsible behaviors in the outdoors that care for both people and land. Built off the stewardship message of the Seven Principles of Leave No Trace​, #AdventureWIthCare also addresses actions that support local communities, honor cultures and traditions, and create a welcoming environment for all. 

When we #AdventureWIthCare, we respect and honor the people making our adventures possible and help preserve the places we discover for those who adventure after us.

Working together with a consistent message, we can:

  • Encourage personal stewardship for the outdoors among users
  • Create a supportive, inclusive outdoors for all
  • Cultivate a new generation of responsible, life-long outdoorists​​

​How to Use #AdventureWIthCare

  1. Download the poster. Click here to download​.
    1. ​Post in your shop, at trailheads, in parks. 
    2. Share this resource with others in your network.
  2. ​Use the hashtag #AdventureWIthCare on social channels to demonstrate responsible behaviors in action.
  3. Stay tuned for more resources forthcoming. Sign up for our monthly email newsletter here.​

#AdventureWIthCare Partners

We appreciate the many stakeholders who shared a desire for education and consistent messaging, and we are thankful to the partners below for their support and distribution of this message. We also acknowledge the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics​ for their guidance and use of the Seven Principles of Leave No Trace. ​

