Wisconsin's natural assets, from the Great Lakes and mighty Mississippi to northern forests and rocky outcroppings, beckon us to come out and play, and Wisconsinites consistently answer the call. The Office of Outdoor Recreation promotes and enhances Wisconsin's outdoor recreation industry and offerings to drive economic impact, raising the state's profile and ensuring a robust outdoor economy benefits Wisconsin and its residents.
Our Vision
Outdoor recreation enriches the life of every Wisconsinite.
Our Mission
Strengthen Wisconsin's economy and quality of life through outdoor recreation.
Our Guiding Imperatives

View the full strategic plan.
Background and History of the Office
The Office of Outdoor Recreation was created in 2019 to recognize outdoor recreation's significant role in driving tourism; attracting residents, workers and businesses; generating jobs and offering a better quality of life for Wisconsinites. It builds on the national trend of state offices of outdoor recreation, recognizing the outdoor industry's economic importance.
In 2017, Congress directed the Bureau of Economic Analysis to form an outdoor recreation satellite account, and the first data showing the outdoor recreation industry's contributions to the economy was released. The Office has been tracking the economic impact of Wisconsin's outdoor recreation industry since it was formed. These numbers drive the first half of our mission to strengthen Wisconsin's economy using the power of outdoor recreation. To that end, we work directly with businesses, manufacturers, guides, outfitters and retailers to help them grow, sustain and thrive.
The second half of our mission is to strengthen the quality of life through outdoor recreation. To that end, we work directly with communities, recreation user groups, conservation organizations, educators, the healthcare community and others to ensure our state has the infrastructure, resources and networks to nurture Wisconsin's endemic outdoor culture.
In 2024, the Office developed a long-range strategic plan, informed by interviews with peer agencies, a stakeholder survey, a series of listening sessions around the state and a retreat with key partners. Our renewed vision and mission chart our course for the next five years in service of the solid foundation built since 2019. We see a wealth of opportunity for Wisconsin's outdoor industry and are excited to work alongside passionate industry professionals.
The video below tells the story of how the Office engages partners to amplify and uplift Wisconsin's outdoor recreation industry. In Wisconsin, we don't just ride the bikes, we make them. Join us for the ride.